Illicit Discharge, Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Process

Loudoun County is regulated under the NPDES Phase II MS4 permit, which includes six (6) Minimum Control Measures (MCMs) to control stormwater pollution and manage water quality. The stormwater team at the Department of General Services provides oversight for these MCMs. One of the MCMs is the Illicit Discharge, Detection and Elimination (IDDE) program, which identifies and addresses unauthorized non-stormwater discharges to Loudoun’s MS4.

For the presentation, we will be providing an overview of Loudoun County’s IDDE procedures and highlighting four (4) different types of IDDE cases that involve paint, pool water, grease and sewage. Additionally, we will present our experience issuing fines, what we’ve learned and what we anticipate in the future for IDDE cases.