So You Have a Dam EAP……Now What??? Tips and Best Practices on EAP Enhancements for Dam Owners

Creation and adoption of Emergency Action Plans have increased significantly across the United States (especially for high hazard dams) over the past two decades, driven partly by regulatory requirements by state dam safety agencies and in some cases, proactive actions by responsible dam owners.  However, there is often not enough attention paid to what happens after an EAP is developed – in terms of follow up on EAP updates, enhancements made to the EAP to address evacuation needs of the communities downstream (mobility challenged and underserved populations in particular), and enhanced communication and coordination with local emergency management agencies, who can be key partners and stakeholders with the dam owner.

This presentation will includes some results of research performed on current best practices and trends in emergency action planning and emergency management, combined with our own experience and observations in EAP enhancements from across the U.S. through conducting numerous EAP exercises and drills.  Our own lessons learned and the results of the research will be presented, with a focus on EAP enhancements that can be made that are not really cost prohibitive but can result in a more usable plan, greater coordination and cooperation with local emergency management agencies, more clarity in emergency and/or mitigation response methods and techniques, and a better-informed dam owner with regards to risk mitigation strategies.