Flood Mitigation in Historic Douglass Cemetery

Douglass Memorial Cemetery was established in 1895 as a segregated,…

City of Annapolis – 2D stormwater modeling of low-lying tidally influenced area

To investigate the effects of stormwater improvements (including…

The MS4 General Permit Outside Virginia: A Look at Its Evolution Nationwide

DEQ has published a Notice of Intended Regulatory Action for…

Lessons Learned from Updating a Stormwater Master Plan

C.J. Bodnar, P.E.1 City of Virginia Beach When completing…

Invasive Water Chestnut: Tracking as a First Step to Eradication

Among the challenges faced by municipal stormwater management…

Prescribing Runoff-Related BMPs in the Rock Creek Watershed of Washington, D.C.

In the face of increasing average annual rainfall totals, Washington,…

Solving Urban Drainage Problems Using XPSWMM 2D

Driven by more intense rainfall, expansion of impervious surfaces,…