City of Portsmouth Olde Towne Pump Station
The City of Portsmouth’s Olde Towne Historic District experiences…
Potential Impacts of Shared-Use Facilities on Conservation Programs
Numerous programs exist for farms to integrate conservation into…
Systematic Approach to Scrub BMP Data for a Successful Upload to VA DEQ BMP Warehouse
The Best Management Practice (BMP) Warehouse is an application…
Dam Risk Reduction
In Virginia alone, there are 2,900 dams ranging from farm ponds…
Epilimnetic Mixing Deepens Maximum Phytoplankton Biomass and Reduces Phytoplankton Biodiversity in a Eutrophic Reservoir
Phytoplankton are primary producers which are critical for reservoir…
Between a Rock and Hard Place: Rehabilitating a Storm System Around a Difficult Site
A storm system in the city of Suffolk, VA requires a structure…
Environmental Services Strategic Plan Development and Implementation
The role of the eight coastal planning district and regional…
Stormwater Pump Stations: An Alternative Solution to Urban Flooding
Climate change is affecting the way stormwater management has…
2D Rain-on-Grid Modeling for an Urban Resilience Plan
Chesapeake’s Greenbrier Drainage Area experienced significant…
A Hard Look at Hardware and Software: Reducing the Cost of Modeling
Multi-core computer processing has made remarkable advances over…