9:00 – 10:00 AM
Registration/Check-in for Virginia Dam Owner Training Seminar
10:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Virginia Dam Owner Training Seminar (1st Floor, Parlors, E, F, and G)
1:00 – 3:00 PM
Dam Engineer’s Forum (Anna Room)
1:30 – 5:00 PM
Exhibitor’s Display Set Up (Exhibitors’ Area)
2:00 – 5:00 PM
Registration (Conference Reception Desk)
4:00 – 5:00 PM
Meeting of VLWA Board of Directors (Chesterfield Room)
5:30 – 7:00 PM
Exhibitor and Early Registrants’ Reception (James River Ballroom, Parlor H)
7:00 – 8:00 AM
Registration and Check-In (Conference Reception Desk)
7:30 AM
Coffee and Pastries
7:45 – 9:00 AM
Welcome to the Conference, Stuart Stein, Conference Chair (Shenandoah Ballroom)
Keynote Address – Entropy in Cyberspace: Challenges of the Virtual Work Environment, Stuart Stein, GKY
Track A – Chesterfield Track B – Parlor B Track C – Parlor F Track D – Parlor G Track E – Parlor E
9:15 – 10:30 AM – First Concurrent Sessions
Session 1A, Dam Safety 1
Moderator – Charles T. Wilson, PE, Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation
- Fairfax County PL-566 Dams – Improvements to Aging Infrastructure, Shannon Bell, Fairfax County MSMD; Sean Mowery; Brice Kutch, GKY & Associates, Inc.
- From Paper to Digital, DCR SWC’s Modernization of Dam Impact Data, Dean Thomas, VA DCR SWC; David P. Wilmoth, PE, CFM, PH, VA ESC/SWM PR, VA DCR SWC
- Remote Monitoring on Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District Dams – Part 3 (You Can’t Handle the Data!), Charles T. Wilson, PE, Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of Soil and Water Conservation
Session 1B, Resilience 1
Moderator – Sherwin Zahirieh, PE, ENV SP, AECOM
- The Greening of Lincoln and Its Long Road to Resiliency, Joe Arizzi, PE, Kimley-Horn
- Town of Ashland Flood Resiliency Plan, Alice Ortman, PE, JMT
- Raising Resilience for Washington, DC with an Integrated Flood Model, Sherwin Zahirieh, PE, ENV SP, AECOM; Christine Estes, PE, PMP, CFM, AECOM
Session 1C, Data Collection and Management 1
Moderator – Jared Hodes, PE, CFM, Kimley-Horn
- Enhancing Urban Drainage and Infrastructure Management with Mobile LIDAR, James Quirin, WSSI
- Real-Time Data Insights for Environmental Protection: Lessons from Two Regions, Symone Kumar, Aquatic Informatics
- Accotink Creek Stream Stability Assessment and Prioritization within the City of Fairfax, Jared Hodes, PE, CFM, Kimley-Horn; Michelle Manfrey, EIT, Kimley-Horn; Patrick Remson, City of Fairfax
Session 1D, Stormwater 1
Moderator – Fernando Pasquel, Arcadis
- Illicit Discharge, Detection and Elimination (IDDE) Process, Michael Donnelly, Engineering Technician II, Loudoun County – Department of General Services; Jamie Fultz, EIT, Loudoun County – Department of General Services
- Journey Through Time: The Evolution of Virginia’s Stormwater BMPs, Erin Fitzpatrick, AECOM; Nikki Comber, PE, AECOM
- The New Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook’s Process and Content Update, Fernando Pasquel, Arcadis; Rebeccah W. Rochet, P.E., VDEQ
Session 1E, TMDLs 1
Moderator – Deva K. Borah, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE, City of Chesapeake, Public Works Department, Engineering Division
- Organized Chaos: Tracking Water Quality Improvements from Concept to Completion, Jim Milliken, PE, City of Virginia Beach
- Land Use Conversions: An Effective Tool for TMDL Compliance, Kyle Settle, GKY & Associates, Inc.
- Total Maximum Daily Load Analysis and Modeling Advances: Connecting Climate Resilience, Socio-Environmental Systems, and Holistic Watershed Management, Deva K. Borah, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE, City of Chesapeake, Public Works Department
10:30 – 10:45 AM
Coffee Break
10:45 AM – 12:00 PM – Second Concurrent Sessions
Session 2A, Dam Safety 2
Moderator – Sophia Hassan, EIT, Freese and Nichols, Inc.
- How Do We Deal with Tricky Dams? A Discussion of Strategies for Mitigating Dam Failures, Iain Gordon, EIT, Timmons Group; Jacob Messner, Timmons Group
- Stacking the Storms: Comparing the Probable Max Precipitation (PMP) Studies from the Mid-Atlantic to Inform Better Dam Design, Daniel Papa, PE, CFM, Hazen and Sawyer; Jeff Powers, PE, Hazen and Sawyer
- The Least NRCS NRCS Dam: Using HEC-RAS to Evaluate a Unique NRCS Dam., Sophia Hassan, EIT, Freese and Nichols, Inc.; Kyle Jacobs, PE, Freese and Nichols, Inc.
Session 2C, Ecosystem Restoration 1
Moderator – Whitney Thomas, PE, CFM, ENV SP, Timmons Group
- Ballston Pond Retrofit,Brian Finerfrock, P.E., RK&K
- Revitalizing an EPA Brownfield: Substantial Completion, Hailey Fry, Timmons Group; Jessica Slagle, Timmons Group
- Urban Stream Design for Interactivity, Whitney Thomas, PE, CFM, ENV SP, Timmons Group
Session 2D, Stormwater 2
Moderator – Saurabh Raje, Fairfax County Stormwater
- Beyond Rainfall: Advanced Modeling for Resilient Stormwater Solutions in Aberdeen Gardens, Scott Smith, PE, City of Hampton; Natale Carollo, PE, ENV SP, Hazen and Sawyer
- Show Me the Value! Virginia Beach’s Flood Model Visualization and Exposure Tool, C.J. Bodnar, PE, City of Virginia Beach Department of Public Works; Shelly Frie, PE, ENV SP, Jacobs Engineering
- Flood Assessments with GIS Flood Risk Tools, Saurabh Raje, Fairfax County Stormwater; Paul Reynolds, Fairfax County Stormwater
Session 2E, TMDLs 2
Moderator – Chris Berg, VDOT
- Roads, Water, and Living Shorelines, A.J. Tiefenback, PE, Stantec; Joe Felton, Virginia
- Managing Meadows: VDOT ROW Strategies for Pollinators and Chesapeake Bay Nutrient Reductions, Ashley Hall, PE, PMP, Stantec; Amy Golden, VDOT; Joe Parfitt, VDOT
- Delivering Pollution Reductions, Ecological Uplift and Axillary Benefits through Stream Restoration, Joseph Parfitt, VDOT; Bob Siegfried, RES
12:15 – 1:15 PM – Luncheon
Martin J. Firth – Lake Management Award, HAB a Good Summer!: Integrated Site Improvements to Address Algal Blooms at a Major Recreation Lake, Christina Hughes PE, CFM, ENV SP, Ramboll (owner: NYS OPRHP)
Scholarship Recipient Announcements
Keynote Address – Moving Forward with the Chesapeake Bay Program, Martha Shimkin, Director of the Chesapeake Bay Program Office (CBPO)
1:30 – 2:45 PM – Third Concurrent Sessions
Session 3A, Dam Safety 3
Moderator – Jon Keeling, PE, CFM, Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
- Beyond Speculation: HydroTurf’s Proven Efficacy Examined through Village Creek Overtopping Data, Randy Thompson, PE, WatershedGeo
- Protecting Critical Infrastructure: Addressing Dam Safety and Cybersecurity Risks, Bobby Bermudez, MSc Computer Information Systems & Cybersecurity, Symposit LLC
- So You Have a Dam EAP……Now What??? Tips and Best Practices on EAP Enhancements for Dam Owners, Jon Keeling, PE, CFM, Stantec Consulting Services Inc.
Session 3C, Ecosystem Restoration 2
Moderator – Kathy Hoverman, PE, RES
- Effects of Tree Shelters on Tree Seedling Microclimate and Seedling Chlorophyll Production: Two-Year Results, Christina Henriksen, OSE, MS Candidate, James Madison University; Dr. Bruce Wiggins, PhD, James Madison University
- Ecosystem Restoration of Glade Creek, Phillip Todd, Freese & Nichols, Inc.
- The Need for Resilient Road Stream Crossings; A Call to Action, Kathy Hoverman, PE, RES
Session 3D, Stormwater 3
Moderator – Kelsey Redman, EIT, CFM, Timmons Group
- Hybrid Solutions for DOT Applications for Proactive Road Flooding Alerts, Charles Kozora, OTT Hydromet
- Developing an Actionable Stormwater Platform, Alex Carlson, PE, Arcadis, U.S., Inc.
- Case Study: Stormwater and Community Considerations in CIP Design, Kelsey Redman, EIT, CFM, Timmons Group; Marlene McGraw, EIT, Timmons Group
Session 3E, Watershed Management 1
Moderator – Laura Gill, PE, Hazen and Sawyer
- Recommendations for Chesapeake Bay-wide Indicators of Physical Stream Health, Mark Southerland PhD, Senior Ecologist, Tetra Tech; Richard Starr, Senior Water Resources Scientist, Ecosystem Planning & Restoration; Nancy Roth, Senior Watershed Scientist, Tetra Tech
- Challenges and Issues in a Coastal Watershed from Model Calibration to Master Drainage Planning, Sean Bradberry, GKY & Associates, Inc.; Seshadri S. Iyer, Ph.D., PE, CFM, F.ASCE, GKY & Associates, Inc.; Deva K. Borah, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE, City of Chesapeake
- Flooding Analysis and Resiliency Improvement Planning Across Diverse Watershed Characteristics, Laura Gill, PE, Hazen and Sawyer
2:45 – 3:15 PM
Coffee Break
3:15 – 4:30 PM – Fourth Concurrent Sessions
Session 4A, Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Floodplain Management 1
Moderator – Steve Godfrey, PE, CFM, Woolpert
- Tackling a Monster SWM Model: A Charlottesville Case Study, Alex Partridge, EIT, GKY & Associates, Inc.
- A Delicate Balance of Stormwater Management Upstream and Downstream of Lake Whitehurst: 1D-2D H&H Study, Lesley Brewer, EIT, Hazen and Sawyer; Michael Barbachem, PE, BCEE, Hazen and Sawyer; Justin Shafer, City of Norfolk
- Watershed Modeling: Isn’t Hydrology Supposed to be the Simple Task?, Steve Godfrey, PE, CFM, Woolpert
Session 4B, Resilience 2
Moderator – Jason Murnock, CPESC, CPSWQ, OptiRTC, Inc.
- The Reality of Planning for Climate Change: A Modeler’s Take, Caroline Kersey, EIT, GKY & Associates, Inc.
- Planning for Climate Change: Approach to Estimating and Adapting Flooding Exposure for HRSD Facilities, Robert J. Martz, P.E., Hampton Roads Sanitation District
- A Journey to a Smart Watershed, Jason Murnock, CPESC, CPSWQ, OptiRTC, Inc.
Session 4C, Ecosystem Restoration 3
Moderator – Andrew R. Harrison, PG, Schnabel Engineering
- Stream Restoration and Pollutant Removal in McIntire Park: Integrating Environmental and Community Goals, JTy Smith, Hazen
- Lynnhaven River Basin Ecosystem Restoration Project Phase 1 Overview, Tarig Omer, PE, CFM, City of Virginia Beach; Jim Milliken, PE, City of Virginia Beach; Heather Lockwood, US Army Corps of Engineers
- Sediment Characterization and Disposal, Andrew R. Harrison, PG, Schnabel Engineering
Session 4D, Stormwater 4
Moderator – Michael W. Mundy, City of Virginia Beach Public Works
- City of Fairfax, Virginia’s Stormwater Utility Implementation: Successes & Lessons Learned, Ann de la Torre, City of Fairfax Department of Public Works – Administration & Engineering; Douglas H. Moseley III, AICP, CFM, ENV SP, GKY & Associates, Inc.
- Ashville Park Drainage Improvements Phase I – The One with Construction, Brad Vanderwarker, PE , City of Virginia Beach, City of Virginia Beach; Christopher Woods, EIT, WSP, WSP; Jim Novak, PE, ENV SP, WSP
- Successfully Communicating Stormwater Management with the Public (Part II), Michael W. Mundy, City of Virginia Beach Public Works
Session 4E, Water Quality Modeling 1
Moderator – Kyle Merchant, Old Dominion University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Investigation of Seasonal Changes in Microbial Communities in the Alabama River Ecosystem, M Imam Ul Khabir, Alabama State University
- Landfill Leachate Fate and Transport within Estuarine Flux, and Implications for Air Sparging Remedial Activities, Steamboat Creek, Norfolk, Virginia, Kyle Quick, Old Dominion University, Department Civil and Environmental Engineering; Kyle Merchant, Old Dominion University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Jaewan Yoon, Ph.D., Old Dominion University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
4:45 – 6:00 PM
Reception (James River Ballroom Parlor H)
6:00 – 6:30 PM
Virginia Lakes and Watershed Association Business Meeting, (Parlor F)
7:30 AM
Coffee and Pastries
8:30 – 9:45 AM – Fifth Concurrent Sessions
Session 5A, Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Floodplain Management 2
Moderator – David Mummert, Michael Baker International
- Municipality Impacts Due to Local Watersheds, Dominick Kohnke, EIT, AECOM
- Revitalizing Historic Downtown in a Flood Safe Way, David Duncan, PE, ENV SP, Timmons Group; Alston Willard, EI, Timmons Group
- Unlock Efficiency by Using eLOMA for Streamlined LOMA Applications, David Mummert, Michael Baker International
Session 5B, Resilience 3
Moderator – Rebecca S. Francese, Waterway Surveys & Engineering, Ltd.
- Developing a Flooding Resilience Plan for Watersheds of the City of Chesapeake, Virginia, Crystal V. Bloom, P.E., LEED GA, City of Chesapeake, Public Works Department; Deva K. Borah, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE, City of Chesapeake, Public Works Department; Liz Scheessele, P.E., CFM, ENV SP, Timmons Group
- Neighborhood Coastal Stormwater Design: A Building Block for Resilient Communities, Ian Kaliakin, PE, ENV SP, Arcadis U.S., Inc.; Alex Carlson, PE, Arcadis, U.S., Inc.; James Kelly, PE, Arcadis U.S., Inc.
- Historical Shoreline Management’s Long Term Lessons in Coastal Resiliency in Hampton, Virginia, Rebecca S. Francese, Waterway Surveys & Engineering, Ltd.
Session 5C, Green Infrastructure/LID 1
Moderator – Jacob Dorman, Contech Engineered Solutions
- High Impact Green Infrastructure Retrofit, Megan Foreman, Timmons Group; Aislinn Creel, PE, Timmons Group
- Erosion Control Challenges on Virginia Utility Scale Solar Sites, Joe Belmonte, Environmental Construction Solutions
- Question Everything, Learn Something: Evaluating Filter Fabric Wrapped Chamber System Mass Load Capacity and Longevity, Jacob Dorman, Contech Engineered Solutions; Craig Fairbaugh, Contech Engineered Solutions
Session 5D, Stormwater 5
Moderator – Howard Lusk PE, LEED AP, ENV SP, Jacobs
- Maintaining and Upgrading Aging Stormwater Infrastructure: The Tale of an Underground CMP Stormwater Storage Facility and the Lessons Learned, Michele Seib, PE, Loudoun County VA; Chris Stone, Loudoun County VA
- City of Alexandria Flood Mitigation Grant Program, Jessica Lassetter, City of Alexandria
- Flood Mitigation in Historic Douglass Cemetery, Howard Lusk PE, LEED AP, ENV SP, Jacobs; Qiaojue Yu, City of Alexandria; Eleanor Breen, City of Alexandria; Michael Johnson, Douglass Cemetery Descendant Advisory Group
Session 5E, Water Quality 1
Moderator – Carly Maas, US Geological Survey
- Water Quality Influences on Community Composition and Toxin Production in Lake Anna, VA, Aliyah Downing, ODU; Margaret Mulholland, ODU; Leah Gibala-Smith, ODU; Peter Bernhardt, ODU
- HAB a Good Summer!: Integrated Site Improvements to Address Algal Blooms at a Major Recreation Lake, Christina Hughes, PE, CFM, ENV SP, Ramboll
- An Investigation of the Drivers of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in Virginia, Carly Maas, US Geological Survey
9:45 – 10:15 AM
Coffee Break
10:15 – 11:30 AM – Sixth Concurrent Sessions
Session 6A, Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Floodplain Management 3
Moderator – John N. Paine, PE, PH, CFM, GKY & Associates, Inc.
- City of Annapolis – 2D stormwater modeling of low-lying tidally influenced area, Effie McMillan, AECOM
- Willisburg Lake Dam Spillway Design – How Much Value Does CFD Modeling Provide?, Jesse M. Pope, PE, CFM, Stantec Consulting Services, Inc
- AI in Flood Engineering: Hype, Heuristic, or Hot Mess?, John N. Paine, PE, PH, CFM, GKY & Associates, Inc.
Session 6B, Resilience 4
Moderator – Melissa Bernardo Hess, PE, CFM, ENV SP, AECOM
- Partnering for Military Installation Resilience (Panel Discussion), Melissa Bernardo Hess, PE, CFM, ENV SP, AECOM; Vonzell Mattocks, Northern Virginia Regional Commission; Chris Landgraf, Marine Corps Base Quantico; Andrea Sweigart, AICP, AECOM
Session 6C, Green Infrastructure/LID 2
Moderator – Amity Dewey, PE, WSP
- Rainwater Harvesting – Why Not?, Robert R. Connelly II CPESC, NGICP, Ferguson Waterworks
- Leveraging Existing Right-of-Way to Improve Stormwater Quality and Aesthetics, Daniel Wiebke, McAdams
- Green Street Retrofit with a side of scattered, smothered, and covered Utilities, Amity Dewey, PE, WSP
Session 6D, Stormwater 6
Moderator – James Dishner, EIT, JMT
- Alleviating Neighborhood Flooding’s Real-World Design, Seshadri S. Iyer, Ph.D., PE, CFM, F.ASCE, GKY & Associates, Inc.; Christy Arllen, PE, LEED AP, GKY & Associates, Inc.; Alexa Reed, GKY & Associates, Inc.; Mohammad H. Shar, Ph.D,, PE, CFM, CCE, City of Hampton
- Bow Creek Stormwater Park-Built to Flood, Jeff VanFossen, P.E., City of Virginia Beach; Fred N. Grogan, Jr.. P.L.A/ASLA, Michael Baker International
- Flooding in NOVA: A Thorough Drainage Investigation, James Dishner, EIT, JMT
Session 6E, Water Quality 2
Moderator – Chris Stone, CFM, PG, Loudoun County
- Can You Meet Numeric Turbidity Discharge Limits?, Brian Free, Applied Polymer Systems
- Hauling 11,000 CY of Sediment – The Dredging of Lake Ashburn, Chris Stone, CFM, PG, Loudoun County; Joe Arizz, PE, Kimley-Horn; Amir Barnett, EIT, Kimley-Horn
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM – Luncheon
VLWA Dam Safety Committee Dam Award
Dave Pearson Watershed Excellence Project Award
Delivering Pollution Reductions, Ecological Uplift and Axillary Benefits through Stream Restoration, by Joseph Parfitt, VDOT and Bob Siegfried, RES
Dave Pearson Watershed Excellence Study Award
Challenges and Issues in a Coastal Watershed from Model Calibration to Master Drainage Planning, by Sean Bradberry, GKY & Associates, Inc., Seshadri S. Iyer, Ph.D., PE, CFM, F.ASCE, GKY & Associates, Inc., and Deva K. Borah, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE, City of Chesapeake
Keynote Address – Climate Change in Virginia: The Reality, the Inevitable, and Hope for the Future, James Kinter, Director, Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies, George Mason University
The full/final schedule will be updated once all of the abstracts have been received.
Saturday, March 1, 2025
9:00 – 10:00 AM: Registration/Check-in for Virginia Dam Owner Training Seminar
10:00 – 4:00 PM: Virginia Dam Owner Training Seminar (1st Floor, Parlors, E, F, and G)
Sunday, March 2, 2025
1:00 – 3:00 PM: Dam Engineer’s Forum
1:30 – 5:00 PM: Exhibitor’s Display Set Up (Exhibitors’ Area)
2:00 – 5:00 PM: Registration (Conference Reception Desk)
4:00 – 5:00 PM: Meeting of VLWA Board of Directors (Chesterfield Room)
5:30 – 7:00 PM: Exhibitor and Early Registrants’ Reception (James River Ballroom, Parlor H)
Monday Morning, March 3, 2025
7:00 – 8:00 AM: Registration and Check-In (Conference Reception Desk)
7:30 AM: Coffee and Pastries
7:45 – 9:00 AM: Welcome to the Conference, Stuart Stein, Conference Chair (Shenandoah Ballroom)
Keynote Address
9:15 – 10:30 AM: First Concurrent Sessions
10:30 – 10:45 AM: Coffee Break
10:45 AM – 12:00 PM: Second Concurrent Sessions
12:15 – 1:15 PM: Luncheon
Martin J. Firth – Lake Management Award
Scholarship Recipient Announcements
Keynote Address
Monday Afternoon, March 3, 2025
1:30 – 2:45 PM: Third Concurrent Sessions
2:45 – 3:15 PM: Coffee Break
3:15 – 4:30 PM: Fourth Concurrent Sessions
Monday Evening, March 3, 2025
4:45 – 6:00 PM: Reception (James River Ballroom Parlor H)
6:00 – 6:30 PM: Virginia Lakes and Watershed Association Business Meeting, (Parlor F)
Tuesday Morning, March 4, 2025
7:30 AM: Coffee and Pastries
8:30 – 9:45 AM: Fifth Concurrent Sessions
9:45 – 10:15 AM: Coffee Break
10:15 – 11:30 AM: Sixth Concurrent Sessions
11:45 AM – 1:00 PM: Luncheon
VLWA Dam Safety Committee Dam Award
Dave Pearson Watershed Excellence Project Award
Dave Pearson Watershed Excellence Study Award
Honorable Mentions
Keynote Address