The New Virginia Stormwater Management Handbook – Process and Content Update

The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) had outdated…

Organized Chaos: Tracking Water Quality Improvements from Concept to Completion

Planning efforts to identify successful water quality improvement…

Ballston Pond Retrofit

During the construction of I-66 through Arlington County in the…

Land Use Conversions: An Effective Tool for TMDL Compliance

Discuss methods for the use of land coverage changes to generate…

Journey Through Time: The Evolution of Virginia’s Stormwater BMPs

This presentation takes the audience on a captivating voyage…

Revitalizing an EPA Brownfield: Substantial Completion

More than 450,000 brownfields have been identified by the EPA…

The Least NRCS NRCS Dam: Using HEC-RAS to Evaluate a Unique NRCS Dam.

Crabtree Creek Dam No. 5A (CC5A) is a Natural Resource Conservation…