Greening Southside Richmond at Branch’s Baptist Church
Through a grant from the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Mr. Rissmeyer is the lead designer for retrofitting existing church parking lots at Branch’s Baptist Church in Southside Richmond to maximize water quality benefits. The project takes advantage of underutilized and deteriorating parking lots by their removal to then make room for stormwater best management practices (BMP’s). Engineering designs are completed and construction is getting underway in the spring 2022. For this presentation, Mr. Rissmeyer will present the designs for pavement removals and stormwater BMP’s with an eye towards the pollution reduction benefits. A closer look at the relative benefits of pavement removals versus BMP construction will be provided with an eye towards whether impervious surface reductions receive enough credit in the stormwater regulations. Also, since AMT is partnered with EXACT stormwater management in a design-build agreement for this CBF grant, we’ll highlight BMP design details with an eye towards keeping costs within available grant funding.