Managing Meadows: VDOT ROW Strategies for Pollinators and Chesapeake Bay Nutrient Reductions
As a large linear landholder, VDOT considers all parts of its right-of-way (ROW) as an asset. VDOT is assuming land stewardship responsibilities for areas outside of travel lanes and clear zones for multiple initiatives, including pollinator habitat for monarch butterflies and land cover conversion to benefit the Chesapeake Bay. VDOT is a participating stakeholder in the Monarch Candidate Conservation Agreement with Assurances (CCAA), as well as an MS4 permit holder with Chesapeake Bay TMDL requirements. In this presentation, we will discuss the requirements and benefits of similar land management strategies that can be seen across each program. We will also review similarities and differences for the monitoring and verification of the two programs. Lastly, we will discuss the Department’s next steps for tracking these similar efforts, cost analyses, and showing multi-program benefits across the Department.