National Watershed Research Network from the Center for Watershed Protection
The National Watershed Research Network (NWRN) is a collaborative that helps communities achieve clean water and healthy watersheds by funding applied research on topics determined by its members. Together, we
aim to provide insights into the impacts of land use activities on water resources, and identify regulations, programs, and practices that can best prevent or mitigate these impacts and address community needs.
The goals of the NWRN are to:
Influence a national agenda on applied watershed research priorities and information needs
Provide a forum for watershed practitioners, regulators, and researchers to collaborate on and refine research
priorities and learn from each other
Use a pooled funding approach to implement defined watershed
research priorities
Regularly synthesize existing watershed research, information, and practitioner knowledge to provide a national perspective that informs the creation of practical guidance and tools
Make the results nationally accessible online and through training opportunities
This presentation will focus on the NWRN including how and why it was started, the features of the network that make it unique from other research forums, the structure, and the topics on the list for research.