Stepping Out From Behind the Desk: A Look Into Stream Restoration Construction Oversight

Alex C. Lucado[1], PE, CFM Timmons Group

Katie Atkinson2, PE Timmons Group


There are many design components and individual roles within a water resources project. Most of the professionals serving in these roles are adept at solving problems behind a computer screen. However, overseeing project construction can present these individuals with an array of new challenges. In particular, overseeing stream restoration construction can prove to be notably challenging. Especially with a multitude of variables throughout the construction of the project such as ecological and weather-dependent considerations.

This presentation will detail the construction of a large-scale stream restoration project from notice to proceed to substantial completion. It will touch on several unique site characteristics, as well as strategies used to ensure the success of the design.

[1] Senior Project Manager; 1001 Boulders Parkway, Suite 300, Richmond, Virginia, 23225; 804-200-6500;

2 Project Manager; 1001 Boulders Parkway, Suite 300, Richmond, Virginia, 23225; 804-200-6500;