Streamlining Stormwater Structure Condition Assessments with Technology
Loudoun County has developed a web-based geospatial solution called the Condition Assessment Tool (CAT) to enable standardized and timely collection of information for stormwater structures, in a way that is streamlined, easy to use and that supports compliance and reporting. The CAT is designed to help the County’s stormwater engineers prioritize, distribute, assign, review and approve stormwater structure condition assessment that are inspected by contractors. The solution is map-based and includes a progressive web application (PWA) that enables field staff to locate structures and record the assessments in the field along with associated photos. The CAT tool also extends to the County’s Public Works supervisors and crews to support the maintenance request workflows and contains several dashboards to assist with transparency and status reporting. The CAT solution eliminates tedious and expensive legacy inspection and maintenance workflows while enabling more real-time analysis and reporting of inspection data.
This presentation will include additional background on the project and a demonstration of the CAT solution from several different perspectives including the stormwater engineer, assessment contractor, public works supervisor, public works crew, and department leadership personas.