The MS4 General Permit Outside Virginia: A Look at Its Evolution Nationwide
DEQ has published a Notice of Intended Regulatory Action for amending and reissuing the General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Small MS4s, which expires on October 31, 2023. This presentation takes a look at other MS4 General Permits recently adopted across the United States including EPA’s 2021 New Hampshire MS4 General Permit to look for trends and permit conditions that may come Virginia’s way. As part of this presentation, Doug looks at concerning MS4 General Permit language that expands General Permit compliance deadlines beyond five years, integrates TMDL criteria into the Minimum Control Measures, requires assessment of public properties for retrofitting opportunities, reintroduces requirements for water quantity control into post-development and broadens the expectations of MS4 operators regarding other Clean Water Act regulated discharges.