National Flood Insurance Program-Some Possibilities for the Future
Just before the end of 2022, the NFIP received its' 25th short…
Successfully Communicating Stormwater Management with the Public
The City of Virginia Beach has worked hard to develop partnerships…
Atlantic Reefmaker™, Oyster Catcher™, Shell Bags and Bulkheads – A Shoreline Protection Technology Comparison in Emerald Isle, North Carolina
The shorelines of sound-side properties in Emerald Isle, North…
Designing for Climate Change – Flood Risk Mitigation Using Optimization (Alexandria VA)
The City of Alexandria, VA, has experienced repeated and increasingly…
1D-2D SWMM Calibration Case Study: Stoney Run Drainage Study
August 15th, 2020 was a memorable day for residents of the Colony…
Lessons Learned from Integrating 1D and 2D Riverine and Collection System Models
Many communities in Virginia and across the country suffer from…
Cedar Island Marsh Creation: Leveraging the Co-Benefits of Coastal Restoration
As our region continues to adapt to the effects of sea level…
Seeing is Believing: The Value of Viewing Stormwater Parks as Community Assets
Stormwater parks, which are public facilities that enhance communities…
Risk Assessments for Dam Safety – Where, When, Why, How??? An introduction into Risk Informed Decision Making for Dams
Risk Assessments and the use of Risk Informed Decision Making…
Benefits of Hazard Assessment using SQRA for Rural Dams
Decades-old dams often become higher risk as they age, but owners…